Version 5.0.0 of the Pre- (ZA6800) and version 4.0.0. of the Post-election Cross section (ZA6801) of the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES) 2017 (ZA6802) are available. Besides, a new version of the Pre- and Post-election Cross Section (cumulation) (ZA6801) is online.
On the GLES homepage at GESIS (menu item “Data”), you can find a link to download the data. Alternatively you can use the direct links:
Version 5.0.0 of the Pre-election Cross Section (doi:10.4232/1.13137),
Version 4.0.0 of the Post-election Cross Section (doi:10.4232/1.13138),
Version 3.0.0 of the Pre- and Post-election Cross Section (cumulation) (doi:10.4232/1.13139).