Version 3.0.0 of the Rolling Cross-Section Campaign Survey with Post-Election Panel Wave (ZA6803) of the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES) 2017 is available. The updated dataset contains the following changes to the previous version: The constituency coding has been added to the data set (elecdist, elecdist1-elecdist4, elecdist_flag).The most important problem (MIP) and second MIP coding has been added for the pre- and post-election survey (pre013c1-pre013c5, pre015c1-pre015c5, pos015c1-pos015c5, pos017c1-pos017c5). Post-stratification weights have been recalculated based on the marginal distributions from the German micro census 2016. False variable labels in pre005 and pre007 have been fixed (the labels referred to first vote instead of second vote). The tagnr variable has been converted from a string variable to a numeric variable.
On the GLES homepage at GESIS (menu item “Data”), you can find a link to download the data. Alternatively you can use the direct link (doi:10.4232/1.13041)