The updated dataset Short-term Campaign Panel – Lower Saxony election wave 2017 (GLES) (ZA6822) contains the following changes to the previous version:
- Codings of open answers on the most important have been added. The codebooks are also published online in the data catalogue.
- Post-stratification weights have been recalculated based on the marginal distributions from the (N)Onliner-Atlas 2016 (weiN_on) and the German microcensus 2016 (weiN_mz).
- Variable names have been adjusted according to the Short-Term Campaign-Panel 2013 (ZA5704).
- Update of the Do-File to link the wave of the Lower Saxony election 2017 (version 2.0.0) and the campaign panel 2017 (version 6.0.0).
On the GLES homepage at GESIS (menu item “Data”), you can find a link to download the data. Alternatively you can use the direct link (doi:10.4232/1.13151).