The Research Prize 2015 of the German Society for Electoral Studies (DGfW) is awarded in the category articles to Shaun Bevan and Mona Krewel for “Responsive elections: The effect of public opinion on political Campaigns” (published 2015 in Electoral Studies, 40: 548-555). In the category monographies, the Research Prize 2015 is awarded to Michael Bergmann for his publication Panel Conditioning: Wirkungsmechanismen und Konsequenzen wiederholter Befragungen (published by Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden). Congratulations to the laureates!
Category Archives: Allgemein
New data: Long-term Online Tracking, T31
Version 1.0.0 of the Long-term Online Tracking, T31 (ZA5731) is available.
On the GLES homepage at GESIS (menu item “Data”) you can find a link to download the data. Alternatively you can use the direct link (doi:10.4232/1.12542)
Updated data: Short-term Campaign Panel 2013
Version 3.1.0 of the Short-term Campaign Panel 2013 (ZA5704) and the Control Group III (ZA5755) are available.
On the GLES homepage at GESIS (menu item “Data”) you can find a link to download the data. Alternatively you can use the direct links:
Short-term Campaign Panel 2013 (doi:10.4232/1.12534)
Control group III (doi:10.4232/1.12535)
New Data: Data on State Elections in Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony-Anhalt
Versions 1.0.0 of the Longterm Online Trackings at State Elections in Baden-Württemberg (ZA5741), Rhineland-Palatinate (ZA5743) and Saxony-Anhalt (ZA5742) are available.
On the GLES homepage at GESIS (menu item “Data”) you can find a link to download the data. Alternatively you can use the direct links:
State Election Baden-Württemberg 2016 (doi:10.4232/1.12531)
State Election Rhineland-Palatinate 2016 (doi:10.4232/1.12533)
State Election Saxony-Anhalt 2016 (doi:10.4232/1.12532)
New and updated data: Intermediate inquiries LTP & SCP
Version 1.0.0 of the intermediate inquiry 2015 of long-term Panel started in 2009 and 2013 and of short-term Campaign Panel 2013 (ZA5759) is available. Also version 2.0.0 of the intermediate inquiry 2014 of long-term Panel started in 2009 and 2013 and of short-term Campaign Panel 2013 (ZA5758) ist available.
On the GLES homepage at GESIS (menu item “Data”) you can find a link to download the data. Alternatively you can use the direct links: ZA5759 (doi:10.4232/1.12491) and ZA5758 (doi:10.4232/1.12490).
New Data: Long-term Online Tracking T30
Version 1.0.0 of the Long-term Online Tracking, T30 (ZA5730) is available. On the GLES homepage at GESIS (menu item “Data”) you can find a link to download the data. Alternatively you can use the direct link (doi:10.4232/1.12496).
Research Prize and Prize for Young Researchers offered by DGfW
The German Society for Electoral Research (DGfW) is happy to announce that it will award the DGfW Research Prize and the DGfW Prize for Young Researchers for excellent analyses primarily or exclusively based on data of the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES).
For more information please see the attached document.
Updated data: European Candidate Survey
version 2.0.0 of the European Candidate Survey (ZA5717) as part of the European Parliament Election Study 2014 is available. On our homepage GLES homepage at GESIS (menu item “Data”) you can find a link to download the data. Alternatively you can use the direct link.
New and updated data: Long-term Online-Tracking
Version 1.0.0 of the Long-term Online-Tracking, Cumulation 2009-2014, Module questions (ZA5750) is available. Also updated datasets of the Long-term Online Tracking, T23 (ZA5737, version 2.0.0) and of the Long-term-Online-Tracking of State Election Hesse 2013 (ZA5737, version 3.0.0) are available. On the GLES homepage at GESIS (menu item “Data”) you can find a link to download the data. Alternatively you can use the direct links:
Long-term Online-Tracking, Cumulation 2009-2014, Module questions (ZA5750)
Long-term Online Tracking, T23 (ZA5737)
Long-term-Online-Tracking of State Election Hesse 2013 (ZA5737)
Updated data: Long-term Panel and Campaign Panel GLES 2013
Version 1.1.0 of the intermediate inquiry of long-term Panel started in 2005, 2009 and 2013 and of short-term Campaign Panel 2013 (ZA5758) is now available. On our homepage GLES homepage at GESIS (menu item “Data”) you can find a link to download the data. Alternatively you can use the direct link.