Version 4.0.0 of the Pre-election Cross ection of the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES) 2017 (ZA6800) is available. The updated dataset contains the following changes to the previous version:
- Codings of the open answers to the variables “Most important problem” and “Second most important problem” (q22_c1 – q22_c5, q23_c1 – q23_c5) have been added to the data set.
- The open answers to the variables “Most important problem” and “Second most important problem” (q22s, q23s) have been deleted.
- The serial number has been corrected.
- The weighting variables have been updated, now using the marginal distributions of the German micro census 2016 (previously micro census 2013).
- The variable Virtual Sample Points (vpoint) has been added to the dataset.
- The variable bik10 has been removed due to data protection.
If you notice any problems, please inform GESIS.
On the GLES homepage at GESIS (menu item “Data”), you can find a link to download the data. Alternatively you can use the direct link (doi:10.4232/1.13079)